
akvarel blyant

  • Graphite Aquarell Pencil er en vandopløselig grafitblyant af professionel kunstnerkvalitet. Fås i 3 grader HB, 4B og 8B. Størrelse: rund, 3,8 mm bly, 7,2 mm blyant
  • AQUA MONOLITH – AQUA BRIQUE EDITION, metal æske, 12 colors
  • Aqua Monolith, 12, 24, 36 & 72 pcs. – Woodless Aquarelle Pencils Aqua Monolith is a solid watercolor stick protected only by a thin film of lacquer that matches the pencil’s color. Users are captivated by its soft strokes and rich color laydown. Bold, large-scale applications of color or fine detail work are possible with the same pencil. Supplied in single colors and in sets. Available in a rich spectrum of 72 vibrant colors. Ren vandopløselig “mine” – uden træ, kun lakkeret
  • Aqua Monolith – Woodless Aquarelle Pencils Aqua Monolith is a solid watercolor stick protected only by a thin film of lacquer that matches the pencil’s color. Users are captivated by its soft strokes and rich color laydown. Bold, large-scale applications of color or fine detail work are possible with the same pencil. Supplied in single colors and in sets. Available in a rich spectrum of 72 vibrant colors. Ren vandopløselig “mine” – uden træ, kun lakkeret
  • Display Aquarelle Pencils Marino The grey display line presents the high quality art material in an appealing, informative overview. The modular system may be configured as needed: combine displays for single pencils with the attachable display sets. The base model comes with 36 compartments and each may be filled with up to 12 pieces of single products. Each Display is designed to present the offered Cretacolor product line. Dimensions: 332 x 170 x 256 mm, acrylic, grey Content: Aquarelle Pencils Marino, 36 basic colors, assorted


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